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Sustainable Investment Separate Accounts Chart
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About This Strategy - [Return to Top]
Assets Under Management (AUM): $2.94M (in US$ millions)
Required Minimum: --
Benchmark used: Blend: S&P500, MSCI EAFE, BofA ML US Trsy/Agcs AAA 1-3Yr
Strategy type: Balanced Strategys
Strategy description: Loring Ward's Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Global Portfolio Series is designed to meet the needs of investors looking for investments that serve theri values and beliefs. The SRI portfolios invest in the DFA US Equity fund, DFA International Social Core Equity fund, and the DFA Emerging Markets Social Core Equity fund. The social screens are validated through the use of MSGI ESG Research, formerly KLD Research and Analytics. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The DFA Funds are sponsored by Dimensional Fund Advisors and distributed by DFA Securities LLC. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the DFA Funds carefully before investing. The prospectus and if available, summary prospectus, contain this and other information about the DFA Funds. To obtain a prospectus, summary prospectus, additional information about the DFA Funds, or performance data current to the most recent month-end, please call Dimensional Fund Advisors collect at 512-306-7400. Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Strategy web link: External Link
About The Company - [Return to Top]
Institution Name:
LWI Financial Inc. (Loring Ward)
Approach to Sustainable & Responsible Investment: LWI Financial Inc. (“Loring Wardâ€) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities transactions are offered through its affiliate, Loring Ward Securities Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. IRN B 13-064 (Exp 6/15)
Total AUM in SRI: $5.2M (in US$ millions)
Research conducted: Externally
Contact info:
10 Almaden Blvd. 15th Floor
San Jose, CA 95113
United States
Phone: (800) 366-7266
Web: http://www.loringward.com (Opens in a new window)
Specific Screening Information by Category - [Return to Top]
- Human Rights: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that directly participate in abortions. Exclude companies that manufacture pharmaceuticals, abortive agents, or contraceptives.
- Labor Relations: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that have had major recent controversies relating to child labor infractions in the U.S. or abroad.
- Conflict Risk: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that are engaged in certain for profit business activities in or with the Republic of the Sudan.
- Alcohol: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that earn at least 15% of their total business revenue through the production and/or sale of tobacco or alcohol products.
- Defense/Weapons: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that earn at least 20% of their total business revenue through the production and/or sale of military weapons and/or weapons of mass destruction.
- Gambling: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Exclude companies that earn at least 20% of their total business revenue from gambling activities.
- Other/Qualitative: Exclude companies that earn at least 15% of their total business revenue from publishing or selling pornographic materials. Exclude companies that are for-profit health care providers.