Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Mutual Fund and ETF Chart
Jump to: General Fund Information | Fund Institution Information | Account Minimums | Methodology | Proxy Voting Information | Specific Screening Information by Category | Performance Data
General Fund Information - [Return to Top]
Ticker: JSTC
Assets under management (AUM): $152.4M (in US$ millions) - See other performance data below
General Fund Type: All Cap
Specific Sizes or Types of Investments: Small-, mid-, and large-capitalization equities. Both domestic and International
Financial Objective: JSTC is an actively managed ETF that tracks the Adasina Social Justice Index. The Index is built from a global universe of public equities across all major asset classes screened for social justice and designed to support progressive movements for change
Specific ESG Focus: In addition to the metrics traditionally considered for ESG investing, JSTC screens for specific issues that directly impact underserved and underrepresented communities as well as for extractive companies that may cause harm to people and the planet. Adasina invests with specific criteria under social justice categories (racial, gender, economic and climate justice).
To invest, call: (415) 986-5500
Institution Name:
Adasina Social Capital
Mutual Funds Description: Adasina Social Capital
Contact info:
548 Market St, Suite 60335
San Francisco,CA 94104-5401
United States
Phone: 415-986-5500
Web: (Opens in a new window)
Account Minimums - [Return to Top]
Minimum Account: $0
Minimum IRA:
Screening Venue: In-house and outside
Screening Party:
Adasina Social Capital
Screening Database Used:
Proprietary, Bloomberg, Your Stake
Screening Process:
Adasina ETF is composed of equity securities of companies that possess characteristics that Adasina believes meet the investment criteria for investors concerned with social justice. The Index universe begins with approximately 9,000 publicly traded U.S. and non-U.S. securities, excluding real estate investment trust (“REIT”) securities. Non-U.S. companies will be U.S. exchange-traded American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”), if available, provided their liquidity is comparable to locally traded shares. Companies are screened for exclusion from the Index based on Adasina’s social justice investment criteria. To determine these criteria, Adasina works closely with social justice organizations to build new and identify existing data sets that represent the issues most directly affecting their communities and uses this community-sourced data to establish the standards regarding social justice characteristics.
Proxy Voting Information - [Return to Top]
Proxy Voting Guidelines or Policies: Refer to page 14,
Proxy Voting Records: --
Specific Screening Information by Category - [Return to Top]
- Climate / Clean Technology: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Pollution / Toxics: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Other Environmental: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Adasina supports climate justice and aims to advance the goals of environmental sustainability in partnership with social justice movements. Adasina thus votes to oppose policies that permit involvement in fossil fuel production, refining, and extraction; funding of the fossil fuel industry; mining; and the most harmful aspects of extractive agriculture. Adasina also votes to oppose corporate policies and practices that result in excessive energy usage; deforestation; excessive carbon emissions; ineffective waste management; or significant air pollution or other environmental hazards, which Adasina has determined disproportionately impact poor communities and people of color.
- Community Development: No Investment
- Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Adasina was founded by a queer, Black woman, and is majority-owned and operated by women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Adasina’s poor rating on As You Sow’s gender equality report card is an unfortunate outcome of a difference in underlying methodology. As You Sow’s analysis is based on company data sourced from Equileap which focuses on company policies (what companies say they will do), but Adasina’s analysis focuses primarily on company practices (what companies actually do). Adasina applies gender justice screens to a universe of publicly traded companies through metrics for sexual harassment, reproductive rights, board representation, and LGBTQ+ equal employment opportunities, ensuring that companies in Adasina’s Investable Universe are not being flagged for issues related to these topics.
- Human Rights: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Adasina supports racial justice and aims to uproot systems that reinforce, perpetuate, and exacerbate racial inequities. Adasina thus votes to oppose policies that permit involvement in the ownership, operation, management, and service of prisons and immigrant detention centers; provide or facilitate money bail services; participate in citizen and immigrant surveillance; operate for-profit colleges; or become involved in state violence and human rights violations as a result of military occupations. Adasina also votes to support indigenous peoples’ rights and for the implementation of diversity policies or programs to increase workforce diversity. Adasina supports gender justice and aims to ensure safe and fair opportunities for all people, regardless of their gender identity. Adasina thus generally votes to oppose corporate policies and practices that restrict reproductive rights, enable serial sexual harassment, or do not support gender representation in leadership. Adasina votes to support policies and practices that offer equal and fair employment opportunities to women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
- Labor Relations: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Adasina supports economic justice and aims to create a fair and equitable financial future for all people and communities. Adasina thus generally votes to oppose excessive executive wages, paying subminimum wages to employees, and predatory financial products and services. Adasina votes to support policies and practices that ensure the elimination of forced labor and child labor in supply chains and generally improve working conditions for employees. Adasina also seeks to reduce corporate influence in politics and thus votes to oppose all corporate political spending and votes to support disclosure of any political spending. In the interest of holding corporations accountable to shareholders, Adasina will generally vote for corporate issuance of additional stock and against corporate buyback of stock
- Conflict Risk: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Board Issues: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies
- Executive Pay: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Adasina supports economic justice and aims to create a fair and equitable financial future for all people and communities. Adasina thus generally votes to oppose excessive executive wages, paying subminimum wages toemployees, and predatory financial products and services. Adasina votes to support policies and practices that ensure the elimination of forced labor and child labor in supply chains and generally improve working conditions for employees. Adasina also seeks to reduce corporate influence in politics and thus votes to oppose all corporate political spending and votes to support disclosure of any political spending. In the interest of holding corporations accountable to shareholders, Adasina will generally vote for corporate issuance of additional stock and against corporate buyback of stock.
- Alcohol: No Screens
- Animal Welfare: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Defense/Weapons: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Gambling: No Screens
- Tobacco: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment
- Other/Qualitative: Racial Justice. Adasina supports racial justice and aims to uproot systems that reinforce, perpetuate, and exacerbate racial inequities. Adasina thus votes to oppose policies that permit involvement in the ownership, operation, management, and service of prisons and immigrant detention centers; provide or facilitate money bail services; participate in citizen and immigrant surveillance; operate for-profit colleges; or become involved in state violence and human rights violations as a result of military occupations. Adasina also votes to support indigenous peoples’ rights and for the implementation of diversity policies or programs to increase workforce diversity. Gender Justice. Adasina supports gender justice and aims to ensure safe and fair opportunities for all people, regardless of their gender identity. Adasina thus generally votes to oppose corporate policies and practices that restrict reproductive rights, enable serial sexual harassment, or do not support gender representation in leadership. Adasina votes to support policies and practices that offer equal and fair employment opportunities to women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Economic Justice. Adasina supports economic justice and aims to create a fair and equitable financial future for all people and communities. Adasina thus generally votes to oppose excessive executive wages, paying subminimum wages to employees, and predatory financial products and services. Adasina votes to support policies and practices that ensure the elimination of forced labor and child labor in supply chains and generally improve working conditions for employees. Adasina also seeks to reduce corporate influence in politics and thus votes to oppose all corporate political spending and votes to support disclosure of any political spending. In the interest of holding corporations accountable to shareholders, Adasina will generally vote for corporate issuance of additional stock and against corporate buyback of stock. Climate Justice. Adasina supports climate justice and aims to advance the goals of environmental sustainability in partnership with social justice movements. Adasina thus votes to oppose policies that permit involvement in fossil fuel production, refining, and extraction; funding of the fossil fuel industry; mining; and the most harmful aspects of extractive agriculture. Adasina also votes to oppose corporate policies and practices that result in excessive energy usage; deforestation; excessive carbon emissions; ineffective waste management; or significant air pollution or other environmental hazards, which Adasina has determined disproportionately impact poor communities and people of color. Movement Aligned. Adasina is aligned with movements for social justice and takes direction from a variety of causes to advance social equity. Adasina thus votes to oppose corporate policies and practices that result in poor animal welfare; the production or sale of fur and leather products; or non-medical animal testing. Adasina also votes to oppose policies that permit involvement in the production or distribution of tobacco products and the production of other products with a substantially negative social impact, including the manufacture or sale of weapons or firearms. Adasina generally votes for more stringent accounting, management, corporate and customer data and security, and other high oversight governance practices.
- Shareholder Engagement - Private Dialogue: Conducted with companies on environmental, social or governance issues
- Description of Shareholder Engagement: Adasina’s Proxy Voting Policies are not meant to be exhaustive, nor can they anticipate every potential voting issue on which shareholders may be asked to vote. Adasina believes in directing corporations to adopt policies that result in sound corporate governance, overall corporate sustainability, and the advancement of social justice. Adasina believes that corporations can meet a high standard of corporate ethics and operate in the best interests of all stakeholders (i.e., shareholders, employees, customers, communities, and the environment), and by doing so, can contribute to positive, systemic change for people and the planet. Adasina believes that corporations should focus on the long-term consequences of their actions and create policies that view environmental management, treatment of workers and communities, as well as other sustainability and social justice factors, in a long-term light. A short-term or exclusive focus on financial factors such as earnings, appreciation in share prices, or short-term gain is discouraged. Proxy voting is one tool Adasina uses to speak to the management of a company. The management must understand that they are accountable to the board of directors; the board must be accountable to the company’s shareholders; and the board and management together must be accountable to all stakeholders (not just shareholders). Adasina believes that successful governance structures emphasize transparency and inclusiveness; represent a wide variety of interests and perspectives; and have full disclosure of company performance on financial, environmental, and social justice metrics. This combined with aligned compensation structures, charters, bylaws, policies, and procedures, can effectively communicate with management that certain actions are encouraged and others are unacceptable. Adasina believes that effective corporate governance cannot, and should not, ignore or exploit certain groups or interests to the benefit of others.
Performance Data - [Return to Top]
Data provided by:
- Information current as of December 31, 2023
Year-to-date rate of return: 15.22%
1-year rate of return: 15.22%
3-year rate of return: 4.27%
5-year rate of return: --
10-year rate of return: --
Previous year rate of return: -17.23%
Management fee: 0.89%
Expense ratio: 0.89%
Standard deviation: 16.26%
Benchmark used: Adasina Social Justice Index, FTSE Global All Cap | External link (Opens in a new window)
Disclaimer: --