Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Mutual Fund and ETF Chart
Jump to: General Fund Information | Fund Institution Information | Account Minimums | Methodology | Proxy Voting Information | Specific Screening Information by Category | Performance Data
General Fund Information - [Return to Top]
Ticker: CHGX
Assets under management (AUM): $132.1M (in US$ millions) - See other performance data below
General Fund Type: Equity Large Cap
Specific Sizes or Types of Investments: U.S. Large Cap Equities
Financial Objective: Market rate or better returns
Specific ESG Focus: Each factor is carefully selected to minimize exposure to ESG risks including but not limited to litigation, regulation, and loss of social license. The Isolated ESG Risk-Factor Methodology also focuses on the mitigation of stranded fossil fuel asset risk. ESG data is a powerful tool for generating positive impact. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, and the Capital Institute’s 8 Regenerative Principles guide the selection of the Isolated ESG Risk-Factors. This ensures that the pool of Eligible Companies includes those that have the greatest positive impact on: land, water, air, biodiversity, people, and ethics.
To invest, call: 303-339-0524
Institution Name:
Change Finance
Mutual Funds Description: Change Finance builds performance-oriented investment products for the sustainability-minded investor. We believe investing for good can profit people, planet, and investors. Through a conscious, rigorous, rules-based approach, we’ve created an Enhanced ESG methodology that underpins our investment products. At Change Finance we believe that it is imperative to transform capital markets if we are to create the world in which we want to live. Our impact-driven, performance-focused strategies are designed to do just that.
Contact info:
705 Grand View Drive
Alexandria,VA 22305
United States
Phone: 978-930-4673
Web: (Opens in a new window)
Account Minimums - [Return to Top]
Minimum Account: N/A
Minimum IRA:
Screening Venue: No information available
Screening Party:
Change Finance
Screening Database Used:
Screening Process:
Eligible Companies are sorted by sector during the portfolio construction process and ranked by their free-float market capitalization. The largest capitalization companies are then selected to populate portfolio "sleeves" that coincide with the Solactive US Large Cap Index's sector weightings. 100 companies are then selected for inclusion in the portfolio and equal-weighted (i.e., each of the 100 companies receives a weight of 1%).
Proxy Voting Information - [Return to Top]
Proxy Voting Guidelines or Policies: Glass Lewis ESG Guidelines & Policies -
Proxy Voting Records: NP-X -
Specific Screening Information by Category - [Return to Top]
- Climate / Clean Technology: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We do not invest in companies that own fossil fuel assets or produce/process fossil fuels (this includes utilities that burn fossil fuels). We seek to invest in companies in most fossil fuel intense industries that are actively pursuing strategies to use cleaner fuels or reduce dependencies on fossil fuels.
- Pollution / Toxics: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We do not invest in companies that fail to meet minimum emission standards for key pollutants such as SOX, NOX, particulates, etc. We seek to invest in companies that are the most effective at managing toxins in their products, manufacturing and supply chain.
- Other Environmental: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We assess a variety of other environmental areas such as biodiversity, deforestation, animal welfare, etc., with a view towards avoiding companies creating the biggest problems and investing in companies that have beneficial policies and processes.
- Community Development: No Screens
- Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We have a variety of criteria that assess a company's diversity and EEO policies and involvement in diversity/EEO controversies. We also engage in shareholder advocacy aimed at improving diversity and EEO.
- Human Rights: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We have a variety of criteria that assess a company's human rights policies and involvement in human rights controversies.
- Labor Relations: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We have a variety of criteria that assess a company's labor policies and involvement in labor controversies. We also do shareholder advocacy aimed at improving labor relations.
- Conflict Risk: No Screens
- Board Issues: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We use our proxy voting to influence board composition and other board issues in support of diversity and other ESG issues.
- Executive Pay: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We use our proxy voting to influence companies to connect executive pay to positive ESG outcomes and other executive pay measures that have positive impact.
- Alcohol: No Screens
- Animal Welfare: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - We use investment criteria that evaluate companies positive and negative involvement in animal welfare issues.
- Defense/Weapons: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - We do not invest in companies involved in the manufacture of weapons or weapons components.
- Gambling: No Screens
- Tobacco: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - We do not invest in tobacco companies.
- Other/Qualitative: Change Finance evaluates companies on a variety of criteria, some pertaining to the issue areas addressed and others go beyond the issue areas. For example, we also assess health impact.
- Shareholder Engagement - Shareholder Resolutions: Filed or co-filed with companies on environmental, social or governance issues
- Shareholder Engagement - Private Dialogue: Conducted with companies on environmental, social or governance issues
- Description of Shareholder Engagement: Shareholder resolutions are filed or co-filed with companies on environmental, social or governance issues. Private dialogue engagement is conducted with companies on environmental, social or governance issues.
Performance Data - [Return to Top]
Data provided by:
- Information current as of December 31, 2023
Year-to-date rate of return: 23.7%
1-year rate of return: 23.7%
3-year rate of return: 5.92%
5-year rate of return: 14.35%
10-year rate of return: --
Previous year rate of return: -21.72%
Management fee: 0.49%
Expense ratio: 0.49%
Standard deviation: 16.6%
Benchmark used: S&P 500 Composite Total Return
Disclaimer: Investing involves Risk. Principal loss is possible. Investments in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) involve additional risks such as declines in the value of real estate and increased susceptibility to adverse economic or regulatory developments. The social, governance, and/or environmental policy of the Fund could cause it to make or avoid investment that could result in the portfolio underperforming similar funds that do not have such policies. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Visit to read the prospectus. The Change Finance Diversified Impact U.S. Large Cap Fossil Fuel Free Index uses an objective, rules-based methodology to measure the performance of an equal-weighted portfolio of approximately 100 large cap U.S.-listed companies that meet a diverse set of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) standards. The Change Finance Diversified Impact U.S. Large Cap Fossil Fuel Free ETF is distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC. The fund’s investment advisor is Change Finance, PBC. and Change Finance, PBC owns the index that underlines the fund. Quasar is not affiliated with Change Finance. The performance of the Fund may diverge from that of the index. Because the fund may employ a representative sampling strategy and may also invest in securities that are not included in the index, the fund may experience tracking error to a greater extent than funds that seek to replicate an index. The funds are not actively managed and may be affected by a general decline in market segments related to the index.