Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Mutual Fund and ETF Chart
Jump to: General Fund Information | Fund Institution Information | Account Minimums | Methodology | Proxy Voting Information | Specific Screening Information by Category | Performance Data
General Fund Information - [Return to Top]
Ticker: GCBLX
Assets under management (AUM): $383.13M (in US$ millions) - See other performance data below
General Fund Type: Balanced Funds
Specific Sizes or Types of Investments: Stocks of large, mid, and small environmentally responsible companies and corporate and agency bonds
Financial Objective: Capital growth and income from sustainable companies
Specific ESG Focus: The fossil fuel free Balanced Fund seeks to invest primarily in the stocks and bonds of companies that make positive environmental contributions toward a cleaner and healthier future and to screen out those with poor environmental records. The Fund provides an opportunity to not only invest in sustainable companies and environmental innovators, but also keep your investment dollars out of fossil fuel companies.
To invest, call: (800)93-GREEN (800-934-7336)
Institution Name:
Green Century Funds
Mutual Funds Description: Environmentally responsible mutual funds founded by nonprofit environmental advocacy organizations. The Balanced Fund (GCBLX) is fossil-fuel free and invests in the stocks and bonds of companies with clean environmental records. The Equity Fund (GCEQX) invests in the stocks of the longest-running sustainable investment index, the MSCI KLD 400 Social Index. The Funds are committed to shareholder activism as a critical component of responsible investing.
Contact info:
114 State St., Ste. 200
Boston,MA 02109
United States
Phone: (800)934-7336
Fax: (617)422-0881
Web: (Opens in a new window)
Account Minimums - [Return to Top]
Minimum Account: $2,500; $1,000 with automatic deposit
Minimum IRA:
Screening Venue: In-house and outside
Screening Party:
Social Research Department
Screening Database Used:
MSCI ESG Research (formerly KLD Research & Analytics, Inc.), Trucost, and Investor Responsibility Research Center
Screening Process:
An integrated process that involves avoiding companies that have demonstrated poor environmental performance and industries of concern including fossil fuels, tobacco, nuclear power, and nuclear energy. This is complemented by proactively seeking out companies that have shown environmental leadership in product offerings and operations in industries such as alternative energy, eco-friendly products, green technology, organic/natural food supply, water solutions, and sustainable development.
Proxy Voting Information - [Return to Top]
Proxy Voting Guidelines or Policies: Open external link in new window
Proxy Voting Records: Open external link in new window
Specific Screening Information by Category - [Return to Top]
- Climate / Clean Technology: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - The Green Century Balanced Fund has been fossil fuel free since 2005. It does not invest in the extraction, production, or refining of coal, oil or gas or companies that produce or transmit electricity derived from fossil fuels or transmit natural gas or have material carbon reserves. It has a carbon footprint that is almost 50% less than the S&P 500 Index by avoiding traditional energy investments and instead investing in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector. It also seeks companies that are transparent with their disclosure of carbon emissions and impacts.
- Pollution / Toxics: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Use qualitative research to avoid companies that are heavy polluters or use toxic chemicals in their products.
- Other Environmental: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Proactive investment in companies involved in water treatment and conservation, air pollution control, and pollution prevention; also companies with with eco-friendly products and supply chain environmental policies. Avoid companies that flout basic standards and protection of the environment.
- Community Development: Positive Investment - Proactive investment in green community development projects.
- Diversity & Equal Employment Opportunity: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Use qualitative research to seek companies with good governance practices such as policies and practices to support a diverse work environment. Avoid companies with poor track record in diversity.
- Human Rights: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Use qualitative research to seek companies with good governance practices such as policies and practices that support human rights, pay fair wages, and enforce a code of conduct. Avoid companies with poor track record in human rights.
- Labor Relations: Positive Investment - Use qualitative research to Seek companies with good governance practices such as policies and practices that support human rights, pay fair wages, and enforce a code of conduct. Avoid companies with poor track record in employee relations.
- Board Issues: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Use qualitative research to seek companies with good governance practices such as sufficient Board oversight - especially on sustainability issues and incorporationg environmental, social, and governance performance factors to compensation calculations. Avoid poor performers.
- Executive Pay: Combination of Positive and Restricted/Exclusionary Strategies - Use qualitative research to Seek companies with good governance practices such as policies and practices that support fair and equitable pay. Avoid poor performers.
- Alcohol: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Use qualitative research to restrict investment in alcohol-related companies.
- Animal Welfare: No Investment - No investment in companies doing non-medical animal testing.
- Defense/Weapons: No Investment - No investment in nuclear weapons. Use qualitative research to restrict investment in companies involved with military and civilian firearms.
- Gambling: Restricted/Exclusionary Investment - Use qualitative research to restrict investment in gambling-related companies.
- Tobacco: No Investment
- Other/Qualitative: Products/Services - Proactive investment (by fund policy). Seek companies that provide eco-friendly products, green technology, and organic/natural foods.
- Shareholder Engagement - Shareholder Resolutions: Filed or co-filed with companies on environmental, social or governance issues
- Shareholder Engagement - Private Dialogue: Conducted with companies on environmental, social or governance issues
- Description of Shareholder Engagement: Green Century is involved in a variety of shareholder engagements from voting our proxies in alignment with ESG criteria and dialogue with companies to filing shareholder resolutions. Green Century is also active in policy issues such as testifying in support of fossil fuel divestment, participating in industry committees, and coordinating responsible investing industry coalitions and sign-on letters.
Performance Data - [Return to Top]
Data provided by:
- Information current as of December 31, 2023
Year-to-date rate of return: 11.78%
1-year rate of return: 11.78%
3-year rate of return: 2.93%
5-year rate of return: 8.87%
10-year rate of return: 6.52%
Previous year rate of return: -16.25%
Management fee: 0.64%
Expense ratio: 1.46%
Standard deviation: 11.86%
Benchmark used: Custom Balanced Index | External link (Opens in a new window)
Disclaimer: You should carefully consider the Green Century Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. To obtain a Prospectus that contains this and other information about the Funds, call 1-800-93-GREEN, visit, or email Please read the Prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. Distributor: UMB Distribution Services, LLC 11/12